
What a week it’s been. Last Saturday, chops became feverish and not himself at all, we were at Granny’s house 100 miles away from home, 24 hours later, he woke from his nap on me at home and started shivering (still feverish, nothing was shifting it) then his hands went a purplish blue so we took him to A&E straight away. What a relief we did because while in the waiting room he had a febrile convulsion that lasted around a minute, his little body went stiff in my arms and his eyes rolled back in his head. Doctors and Nurses were straight on the case, I was running towards them with him, both of us shouting for someone to help, he had oxygen and came round.

After a few hours there he was diagnosed with tonsilitis, his fever came down and we were sent home with a 5 day course of anti-biotics, the first he’s had in his little life.

On day 3 of anti-bs and full doses of iboprofen and paracetemol his fever went and he returned to his usual self, but up came a rash on his tummy and back. We monitored it for 24 hours, it seemed to improved then got worse again last night so I didn’t give him any more penicillin and took him to the doctor this morning.

His tonsils have got worse and the rash has been diagnosed as either allergic reaction to the penicillin or viral. The really frustrating part, however, and it’s maddening me, is that his tonsilitis is viral and not bacterial therefore anti-biotics were never going to work, meaning he has had anti-biotics for no reason whatsoever.

There we are, what’s done is done. I’ve been told viral tonsilitis lasts around 2 weeks and to give him pain killers, stop the anti-biotics, which I already had.

It’s made ne very aware of how little I know about common illnesses, had I known about viral vs bacterial tonsilitis and that one was not treatable, he might still be pure of antibiotic.

He’s fine in himself, though, so that’s a huge plus point. He’s also sparko on my lap so I’m off to join him in the land of nod.

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